The Gingerbread Men Anthology Review

Carol, Reviewer for More than a Review I was recently given the privilege to review three novellas (contained within a boxed set) entitled The Gingerbread Men Anthology.  All three novellas are set in a small town in Maine called Christmas Town and focus on a mother...
Embracing the Wild in Your Dog by Bryan Bailey

Embracing the Wild in Your Dog by Bryan Bailey

Embracing the Wild in Your Dog by Bryan Bailey Some time ago, dogs became as interwoven in the American culture as baseball, apple pie and the Fourth of July. In fact, in most households, the dogs have even trumped evolution itself and jumped straight to being four...
Affiliate Links – Support More Than a Review

Affiliate Links – Support More Than a Review

As we approach the holiday shopping season, I want to share some of my favorite online places to shop. I also share some of my experiences with them and why I like them. In full disclosure, More Than a Review has affiliate links with these sites. What that means is...