Spotlight in Our Newsletter
We at More Than A Review have featured books from authors across many genres. We’ve also had several exclusive author spotlights.

Book Spotlight
Send us a book image, book description up to 150 words to include the genre and two buy links. If the book has been reviewed in our database we will include a link to the review.

Author Spotlight
An Author Spotlight is when you are the focus of the newsletter—no other books will be highlighted. It includes an author image and bio, and up to 4 book images, descriptions and buy links.
To celebrate the new and improved MTAR website, we’ve decided to expand the offerings that go with each spotlight to include extra social media exposure. That’s right, not only will the books be featured in a newsletter sent to about 4,500 people, it will also be mentioned again to more than 6,000 Facebook fans throughout the week!
Doesn’t this sound great? Celebrate with us and sign up today for a book spotlight or author spotlight. Know an author who could use some exposure? Share this information with them today!