The Botox Diaries, by Kaplan and Schnunberger

The Botox Diaries, by Kaplan and Schnunberger

Think of a favorite Coming of Age novel. Trade peer pressure to try marijuana or alcohol for peer pressure to try Botox and plastic surgery, student crushes for extramarital affairs, and insecurity about growing up for insecurity about growin older — you have...
New Year’s Eve Murder, by Leslie Meier

New Year’s Eve Murder, by Leslie Meier

“A solid month of baking and chasing bargains and wrapping and decorating and secret keeping, and it all came down to this…” is the first sentence in this book,  and a lot of us can relate. “This” is a messy house, family members getting...
‘Tis the Season to be Murdered, by Valerie Wolzien

‘Tis the Season to be Murdered, by Valerie Wolzien

Susan Henshaw has made it through another Christmas (if you’ve read Wolzien’s We Wish You a Merry Murder, you know that Christmas is a major production for Connecticut super housewife Susan) and is getting ready for her annual New Year’s party. Susan...

Six Geese a Slaying, by Donna Andrews

Meg Langslow is Caerphilly County’s “Mistress of the Revels” in the Christmas entry in this series, and that means she’s in charge of the annual Christmas parade. With a “12 Days of Christmas” theme, there are plenty of birds,...