Mark Smeby is a musician and an author.  I highly recommend checking our his website where you can see his music, his book, and products.  Mark has a passion for giving hope to others and it comes shining through in our interview.

Mark SmebyMark’s book Live Hope Minute, came from his one minute podcast.  You can download it for free on apple and google.  (I have already downloaded it and would personally recommend it.)

I noticed that Mark was active in prison ministry and asked him to share more about that.  It was moving to hear him talk about this experience.

Mark passionately speaks to anyone listening about what they can do if they are feeling hopeless.

One of my favorite quotes from Mark during our interview: Mark Smeby quote

If you missed our live interview, I recommend you watch his outstanding interview below:

Live Hope Minute

Become a champion of hope!

Live Hope MinuteAs we see chaos in the world around us, we want to have hope. But what is hope, and where does it come from? Hope is more than simple optimism that things get better, or a finger-crossed wishing that things go our way.

Live Hope Minute explores the life-transforming concept of true hope and how to keep a godly perspective in our current circumstances. Through these short, inspiring devotions:

• Your hope will become grounded in unshakeable faith.
xYour life will become marked by love that you cannot help but give away.
• Your vision will grow and keep you moving toward God and his plan for your life.

When you discover true hope, you will find you are building your house on the rock that will not move. Regardless of the storms and challenges you face, you can demonstrate to those around you that life is more than just what we can see or feel. Be amazed at the power and comfort God’s hope can offer.

Purchase Live Hope Minute

About Mark Smeby

Nothing brings me joy like the opportunity to share hope–whether it’s on stage at a church somewhere in the Midwest, a school in Florida, on the airwaves with my Live Hope Minute daily radio feature, or behind bars at a local prison. Sometimes someone going through an intense, personal challenge might “accidentally” stumble across something that ends up giving them a glimpse of hope. Amazing.

mark smebyI’ve lived in Nashville for just over 24 years, and have seen the rise and fall of many people’s dreams. I have studied the entertainment industry and how it works (and doesn’t). I’ve gone after my own dreams and have been met with both incredulous silence and incredible success. I have had my songs find audiences all over the world.

In addition, I’ve acted on national television (ABC/CMT’s “Nashville”) and in a handful of movies (“Because of Grácia,” “1 Message” and “The Perfect Gift.”). I’ve had my writing published in dozens of magazines and online sites, and have written several books (some for others, and a couple for myself!). And I get to travel around the country delivering messages of hope at live events with my speaking and music.

I’m learning that it’s not my job to determine how people are going to respond to what I do, but to be faithful to creatively and courageously communicating hope to the world around me. Sometimes it’s through a written blog post or a book, but it might be a video I find, or a song I write. Sometimes it’s just with a smile across the counter at a stranger working hard to serve others. The possibilities are endless–that’s why I’m going to keep exploring, looking for hope. And then living it.

And I’ll probably be doing it while drinking a cup of coffee, and wondering if the Minnesota Twins might be able to come up with a winning season this year. So, why don’t you grab a cup of coffee and join me