After her son goes missing, Joanna Watson enlists Isaac Bowen—a man she prays has enough experience in the rugged country—to help. As they press on against the elements, they find encouragement in the tentative trust that grows between them, but whether it can withstand the danger and coming confrontation is far from certain in this wild, unpredictable land.
Sexual Content - 1/5
Violence - 1/5
Language - 0/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
"She strained to hear the little-boy laughter that was a trademark of her son's exuberant personality."
And yet, there was silence; something had gone terribly wrong. Panicked, Joanna Watson runs back into the small town of Settler's Fort to find help. Providentially, assistance came in the form of the one man whom Joanna could trust with her life and the life of her most precious possession, her son. That man was Isaac Bowen.
Isaac Bowen's past was not a particularly honorable one, but he had worked hard to grow in his faith and become the man that God wanted him to be. Determined to help the lovely widow find her son, Isaac quickly assembles a posse and begins the trek along a trail that he knows all too well. As helplessness threatens to overtake both of them, the words of the apostle Paul come to Isaac's mind; "My strength is made perfect in weakness". . . . . . "Was this why this was happening? Why he'd been brought on this journey, . . . . why he couldn't walk on his own . . . . why he couldn't protect the woman whose care he'd though he was being entrusted with?"
"Love's Mountain Quest" is a tale filled with obstacles, obstacles that appear to be overwhelming, when in fact they become a gateway to faith. Readers will enjoy this author's crystal clear style as she paints a picture of adventure, determination, and a love that not only withstands, but overcomes.
I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher. The opinions stated above are entirely my own.
Reviewed By Rebecca Maney