There are connections in life that you know are God Moments.  Meeting Kathy Howard, author of 30 Days of

Karen Howard

Hope When Caring for Aging Parents is one of those for me.  Kathy’s subject matter is tough. None of us want to admit our parents are getting older or that we may have to reverse roles and care for them.  Our parents don’t want to think about that either.

Kathy shares hope and insight from someone in the trenches with you.  She recommends the book for children caring for their parents or about to enter the stage of life where you will need to care for them.

If you missed our live interview in Nashville, you can watch the replay below.

30 Days of Hope for Parenting Your Parents 

I was thoroughly unprepared to parent my parents. This season of life includes far more than dealing with doctors 30 Days Hope Agingand getting my folks a little help at home. For instance, how do I help my father grieve his loss of independence and physical strength? How do I handle my own anger and pain when my mother with dementia wounds me repeatedly with her words? And how can I honor my parents even while I begin to take control of their lives?

30 Days of Hope for Parenting Your Parents explores God’s Word to find hope and encouragement for the wide range of physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual challenges the adult child caregiver may experience. Each of the 30 devotions – which can also serve as a guide for a daily quiet time – includes a Scripture passage, a real-life illustration, biblical commentary/application, and questions for reflection. Each day also includes two brief prayers – one for the reader to pray for herself and one for the reader to pray for her parent.

God may not change our circumstances, but He freely pours out everything we need in the midst of them. Parenting Your Parents points the reader to the abundant grace and strength of our faithful God.

Kathy Howard

Kathy has been teaching the Bible since she fell in love with God’s Word almost 30 years ago. Kathy HowardShe speaks regularly at women’s retreats and events across the United States and internationally. The author of seven books, including five Bible studies, Kathy writes to have something to do while she eats chocolate and drinks coffee. She has a Masters in Christian Education and a certificate in women’s ministry from the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary.

In recent years, God has been teaching Kathy more about His abundant grace. Through her own relationships and life experiences, she is learning to extend the grace God has so lavishly poured out on her own life.

On a personal level, Kathy calls herself a “confused southerner.” Raised in Louisiana, she has moved with her engineer husband around the U.S. and Canada. She says “pop” instead of “Coke” and “you guys” as often as “ya’ll.” But she’s still a southern girl at heart!

Kathy and her husband now live in north Texas. They have three children, two sons-in-law, one daughter-in-law, and four precious grandsons. When the family gets together there are also five dogs in the mix.

Kathy’s website

Kathy’s Resources