More Than a Review is excited to be a part of the Release Blitz for Hooked by Carrie Thomas.  Hooked is a young adult story published by Blue Tulip Publishing. Hooked RB Banner



Millie Diamond is your typical high school senior. She has great parents, a younger brother, and two best friends who round out her better than average life. Her future is planned out, thanks to her police officer father, who strictly enforces the rules with a firm, but loving hand. Millie is a kind-hearted soul and proper daughter who respects her dad’s authority…until she meets a mysterious new student who stirs emotions in her she’s never felt before.

A drug deal gone bad in South Boston, leaves Cash Davis’ mother no choice but to move him to Tennessee. His life hasn’t been easy, but Cash is tough, and plans on making his future better than his past. Those plans include keeping his head down and finishing high school… but nothing ever comes easy for Cash. His connection with Millie surprises him, and as hard as he tries, he can’t stay away from her.

Millie’s dad arresting him before their first date is definitely not ideal for Cash, and it causes friction between Millie and her parents. Can Millie convince her parents that Cash is the guy for her? Will she still want to after secrets from his past are revealed?


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He knelt in front of me. While brushing my tears away with his thumb he said, “Baby, please don’t cry. This was another reason I didn’t want you involved because I don’t want you upset. Shh. Please, I don’t like seeing you like this.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m scared for you. Will you please talk to my dad?” He stared at me a good long minute with his hands still on either side of my face.

“Mil, I don’t want your dad involved either. He already doesn’t think I’m good enough for you. I think it’s just best if I handle this on my own.” I was seeing red at his words. We were perfect for each other. The only problem we ever had was him trying to handle things on his own and not letting me help.

“You know what? You’re selfish!” I was livid. “I love you, and I’m worried sick over this, and your answer is once again, to just let you handle this on your own?”

“I’ve told you about it, so I’m not keeping it from you. I’m asking you to trust me.”

“Don’t patronize me, Cash. I do trust you, I don’t trust them. I’m supposed to, what? Walk around and act like everything is okay, especially now that I know they know where you are.” I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.

He hung his head. “All right, I can’t stand this anymore. I don’t want to hurt you, so let’s just get through homecoming, and I’ll talk to your dad, okay? I want to concentrate on you and me tonight. I have a surprise for you, and I don’t want to ruin it with all of this crap from my past.” I felt relieved by his words. At least he was listening to reason.

“Okay, I can deal with that.” He brought both of us to our feet and hugged me close.

“Millie, I love you more than anything in the world. I never want to see you as sad as I just did. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I don’t want to hurt you, either.” I smiled up at him so he wouldn’t feel so bad. “Now go get in the shower and get dressed so we can go to the dance because I want my surprise. You know how impatient I am.” I smacked his bottom.

“That’s not a very nice thing to do to me as I’m heading for a shower. Now I’ll have to take a cold one.” He grinned, showing me his dimples. He knew his dirty thoughts would annoy me.

“Is that all you think about?” He raised one brow and started to reply, but I quickly covered his mouth with my hand. “Never mind. I already know the answer to that. Just go.”

Just before he walked into the bathroom, he called my name. “I don’t think I got to tell you how incredible you look tonight. I was speechless when I first saw you.”

I blushed. Standing in his small hallway, I’d never felt more special. “Thank you. Now hurry up. Wait… will you at least give me a hint about my surprise?”

“Come here.”

Just as I made it over to him, he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. I was eye-level with him now that my feet were off the ground. I fondled his hair just above his collar as he nibbled on my ear. He soon kissed down my neck only stopping just above my collarbone.

“Well?” I asked curiously, “Are you going to give me a hint or not?”

“No. I just wanted to make out with you for a minute because I knew you wouldn’t let me do it at the dance.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “You little sneak. Maybe since you got your chance here, I’ll just have to hold out on our make out sessions for a while.”

“You couldn’t do it, sweetheart. I can’t blame you, though, it’d be tough.”

“Do I feel a wager coming on here?” I asked, knowing I would win.

“It ain’t that serious,” he said, nonchalantly.

“Oh, I think it is. I need an ego boost, and I think winning a bet would do wonders, don’t you?” I was still stranded mid-air, chest to chest with him.

He kissed my lips softly. “I don’t think so, and you’re right. I wouldn’t last a day.”

“I guess as long as we both know who would win, I can live with it.” I squeezed him tight and patted his back. “All right, chop, chop! I’m ready for my surprise.”

He chuckled, setting me back on the ground. “Maybe I’ll have to start having more surprises for you. I like watching you squirm.”

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Praise For Hooked

Bethany, Reviewer for More Than a Review:   This is a story set in the last year of High School and revolves around Millie, who is a typical teenage girl. She sees beyond the tough guy exterior of Cash Davis, the new boy in school, and falls for him. Their relationship has its ups and downs until finally there is a happy ending. I did like that Millie was an average girl with the hopes and dreams most girls have at the age of seventeen.

Warning for those sensitive to obscene language: there are several occurrences throughout the book!

I was provided a free copy in exchange for an honest review

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About The Author

Carrie Thomas

Carrie Thomas is the author of young adult and new adult romances. When she’s not writing or reading, you can find her traveling the U.S. or stalking her favorite bands. She lives in the South with her husband and two sons. Aside from traveling, any time spent with her family she considers a good day. She’s a firm believer that book lovers should stick together.

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