Mackenzie has extended the sale and giveaway till Monday.

Hi! Thanks for stoppin’ by to participate in our “Black Friday Blog Blizt!”

Fire Storm

Today only, get your copy of “FIRE STORM” for 60% off the retail price by following the “special sale link”!

Enter for a chance to win a free e-book of Fire Storm by copy and pasting one of the messages below and emailing it to: fiction4christians(at)

Hi, I stopped by (blog name), and would like to enter for a chance to win a free e-book of FIRE STORM.

Please also sign me up to receive your monthly newsletter.


Hi, I stopped by (blog name), and would like to enter for a chance to win a free e-book of FIRE STORM.

I would rather not receive your monthly newsletter at this time.

Your name will then be assigned a number, which will then be put in a hat to be drawn out by an unbiased third party.

Enter to win a $25 – $50 prepaid Visa card by following the link below sharing our Facebook page.

A $25 gift card will be awarded if our page receives under 500 shares.

A $50 card will be the prize if our page receives over 500 shares.

You may share this page as many times as you wish as long as each share is one hour apart. Your name will be entered again for each share.

Each entry will be assigned a number, which will be put in a hat to be drawn out by an unbiased third party.

Visit other blogs participating.