Always Watching (Elite Guardians, #1)Always Watching by Lynette Eason
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Always Watching by Lynette Eason is book one in the Elite Guardians series. The Elite Guardians are a group of women body guards. In Always Watching we meet Olivia who is the owner of the agency. One of her friends and fellow body guards is almost killed watching one of their clients. Olivia takes over the case of guarding Wade a radio psychiatrist who also has a teenage daughter. Wade has a stalker that is getting more and more aggressive. The story is action packed and fast paced.
Eason has a gift for developing characters you will fall in love with. Olivia and Wade have very interesting back stories. Even Amy, Wade’s daughter is an interesting and well developed character.
We meet several of the other bodyguards and members of the police force that I expect to play an active role in future books.
I highly recommend this book and cannot wait for the next one in the series. Always Watching has romance with a sprinkling of faith and an large dose of suspense.
You can see my full review at More Than a Review dot com where I rate the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use in books.

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