In each installment of 7 Hours, a character is visited by the enigmatic Thomas Constant, who makes a heart-stopping statement: “You are about to die. But you may choose from one of three options: Live seven more hours, travel back in time and relive seven hours, or accept the inevitable and die now.”
After a brutal attack left him without a limb and his team dead, former Green Beret Haytham “Hawk” Wilson is angry at life and God. Bitter, he pushes everyone out of his life. Every day he relives his decision to send the Afghan boy home rather than following orders to kill any who came upon his hidden team. So when on his deathbed at age 36, eaten alive by grief and regret, he’s offered the chance to relive any seven hours, Hawk is determined to go back, kill the boy, and save his team. The decision is simple . . . until he gets there.
The clock is ticking. What will you do with the time you have left?
Sexual Content - 1/5
Violence - 2/5
Language - 0/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
Overall This is part of the 7 Hours series and my first one to read. In this series Thomas Constant visits someone and gives them 7 hours to relive something, additional 7 hours or die now. This story reminded me of the true story of the Navy Seal story; The Lone Survivor. It is a gripping story from the bunkers of war to the bedside. I have truly enjoyed every book by Ronie Kendig that I have read. She writes a story that captures you and doesn't let go. I finished it in one setting. It is a book you want to talk about with your friends when you finish.
Violence There is violence in the war. I didn't find it disturbing, but if you have a loved on currently in battle you may.
Language none
Sexual Very little romance in this one. Hawk has a romantic interest; but most of the story is spent in the battlefield.