This was it. For Tessa. For Cody. For Jared. Her family. Her Friends.
Moltere’s Mountain is collapsing. With Tessa, her friends and family still inside. Tessa won’t go down without a fight…and she won’t leave the others behind. But as she races to save everyone, time runs out.
Grounded with an injured wing, Cody wants Tessa to leave while they still can. But most of their friends and family are missing. And he fears the worst…
Jared had led the army into the mountain. Only to find they were looking to annihilate all vamps, not just the bad ones. He can’t leave his friends vulnerable to yet another attack. But the mine is a death trap, and he could be the one that ends up dead.
The pressure is on – to save friends, family, each other – only the enemy is just as determined that no one survives.
paranormal romance, dystopian, vampire, dale mayer, Best selling author, romance, action and adventure, YA, young adult, Adult, romantic suspense, suspense, thriller, Family Blood Ties, Vampire in Denial, Vampire in Distress, Vampire in Design, Vampire in Deceit, Vampire in Defiance, Vampire in Conflict, Vampire in Chaos, Vampire in Crisis, romance
Sexual Content - 1/5
Violence - 3/5
Language - 4/5
Drugs and Alcohol - /5
Vampire in Defiance By Dale Mayer Family Blood Ties Series Book Five Everything is coming to a head. The gang is hopefully closing in on who is in charge of the blood farm. The rescues are in full swing. And of course as soon as they find one person another one seems to get taken or lost. There have been some big surprises and more to come. This book finishes and closes the story of Moltere’s Mountain and all it’s white tiled hallways, rooms and blood farming. Tessa’s family is split up as they look for each other. Jared has returned to help, as best as human can. Time is running out for the good vamps and humans though, will they all make it out of the mountain in time? Be sure to read the previous books in this series to follow along with Tessa, Cody, Jared and their friends in family as Tessa’s life goes from going to a movie with friends to fighting for her life. **Language