The perfect business arrangement?
When entrepreneur Ricky Langley offers Eloise Vaughn the help she needs, in exchange for her attending twelve Christmas parties as his date, she can’t refuse. Yes, Ricky’s handsome, and devastatingly charming, but this is about business. If only her racing heart would get the message!
Ricky has his own reasons for hating Christmas. But with each date that passes Eloise opens his eyes to the spirit of the season…and opens his heart to a totally different future….
Sexual Content - 2/5
Violence - 0/5
Language - 1/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 1/5
Overall The Twelve Dates for Christmas. Eloise looks like the girl next door in the book cover image. It helped me to relate to her immediately. I felt her job situation was very realistic. Rick was an entrprenuer and dealt with real business issues; not just the glamorous side of it. Rick needed a date to prove he was ‘ok’. (SPOILER: Rick has lost his son. This may be disturbing for some readers). I felt the first half of the book was more fun and carefree then it turned more serious as they started
falling for each other and trying to deny their feelings. Rick tried to deal with his feelings of attraction to Eloise and his guilt for being happy. I enjoyed watching Eloise remake her dresses. The author made it sound like a fun challenge.
Drug & Alcohol Some casual drinking at the Christmas parties.