When a stranger named Marsuvees Black appears in Paradise, he brings with him a message of hope and love. Or is it death and hate?Perhaps neither – perhaps both.He seems to know too much about the town’s many unspoken secrets, and he himself holds the greatest secret of them all.As black clouds and sandstorms envelop the town, it becomes almost impossible to get in or out.It quicky becomes apparent that Paradise is being isolated for a reason.But why?
Ted Dekker’s latest adrenaline-laced thriller has been proclaimed as his most original, daring tale to date.A novel that will take you further than anything he’s ever written. A novel that will leave you wanting more.
Sexual Content - 1/5
Violence - 4/5
Language - 0/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
Overall I really liked the book. It does have some gory scenes though. I could just visualize Marsuvees Black walking into that town and taking over. I love a good versus evil story. If you have read BlackRedWhite (which I also recommend) then you will see the blank Books of History again. The book is thought provoking and has an
ending with a classic Dekker twist. I really recommend reading these in order. Each story can stand alone however if you read them in order the surprises and twists will
be even more impactful.
Violence There are some disturbing and graphic scenes. Several characters are brutalized, some are murdered. Would compare to PG13 to R in a movie
Sexual The affair with Johnny's mother.