From Debra White Smith, the bestselling author of “First Impressions” (more than 30,000 copies sold in four months), comes the rerelease of the popular mystery romance “Second”” Chances.”
After Marilyn’s husband divorces her, she pieces together a life that doesn’t include romance or God. Then she meets her new neighbor, Joshua, who is mysterious and charming. Despite questions about Josh’s past, Marilyn’s wary heart awakens.
Joshua is excited about his new life. But when “Leopard” sends him threatening letters, Joshua realizes the past can’t be ignored. When danger erupts, Joshua–and Marilyn–must meet the threat head-on.
As Marilyn grapples with her faith and Joshua struggles with accepting God’s forgiveness, will they find the strength…and desire…to love again?
Sexual Content - 0/5
Violence - 1/5
Language - 0/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
Overall This is book one in the Seven Sisters series. It is a very good book. It grabs you from the beginning. The emotional struggles the two must work through to come together grabs the reader and doesn't let go until the last sentence. My favorite part of the book is the bond between the friends. I look forward to the next book. The
author also writes a personal note at the back of the book that gave the story even more meaning for me.
Violence There is some violence from the past that catches up to Joshua. Nothing disturbing.
Language na
Sexual Romance but no physical scenes other than kissing.