Investigating a series of savage murders that are disrupting a massive new exhibition at the New York Museum of Natural History, graduate student Margo Green finds a clue in a failed Amazonian expedition. Reissue.
Sexual Content - 1/5
Violence - 5/5
Language - 4/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 2/5
From: Isaac Scego
Book Title: Relic
Book Author: Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
What do you like about this book:
Relic Book Review::
Relic is content asking the same questions Michael Crichton did in his novel, Jurassic Park: Just because we have the ability to do something, should we do it? The only difference is Crichton answers this question. Preston & Child seem perfectly satisfied in just killing people. Relic is neither unique enough to be interesting nor quick enough to be entertaining. In other, simpler words, it was a hodge-lodge—extremely indecisive. It couldn't seem to make up its mind if it wanted to be a thriller, monster story, a mystery, or a biology textbook. And the long beginning 300 pages make the last 174 seem so disappointing. And even more disappointing is the wasted efforts of Mr. Preston and Mr. Child, two very fine writers.
Spiritual Content::
Mbwun is supposedly a ”mad god“ whom the tribe can summon at will to “run errands” according to their desire—mostly the brutal maiming of the people they see as their enemies. Talk of cults and curses. Dead bodies are ritually marked. Spells and rituals are discussed, such that Kothago requires the tribe to sacrifice and eat their own children before Mbwun—also called the devil by the tribal people—can protect them.
Sexual Content::
Rape is mentioned. In an elevator, there are paintings of mating animals and naked native women (her breasts are described briefly, along with another tribal woman's later on). Smithback eyes a woman's "fanny" as she leaves a room. A computer screen shows several bugs mating.
Violent Content::
The Kothoga and Mbwun are both known for their "killing and savagery," and demonstrate it through multiple gruesome slaughters of innocent people, slamming them against walls and slashing their throats. A man is found in the forest in pieces and two young boys are found dead (this one isn't described, but they are said to be badly mutilated, or "shredded" in their words). Others are caught up by the creature in a mess of blood and intestines. An autopsy is graphically described with bite marks in the man's head. The attacker rips the brain out of each of its victims. A door crushes several men and women in a bloody sequences of severed body parts. A man is attacked beside someone else and he becomes completely drenched in that person's blood.
34 f-words (once with mother), uncountable uses of the s-word, and many more uses of a--, h-ll, d--n, b--tard, and b--ch, p-ss and pr--k, and of p--sy as a synonym for wimp. Two uses of d--k. Both God and Jesus' name take quite a beating (God's name is paired with d--n multiple times). Screw is used a few times in a sexual context.
Drug/Alcohol Content::
A man sneaks away to smoke weed. Other men smoke and drink.
TCR:: 1/5
| R | Sequences of graphic violence, bloody descriptions, language and brief nudity
Your ratings of the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use on a scale of 1-5.
Drug/Alcohol use:2