A thoroughly enjoyable narrative is presented by Alcott in these pages. The protagonist, Polly visits the Shaw Family and finds herself amongst strange customs and traditions. As she sets out on this uncharted voyage, she preaches wholesome family values, love and affection to all. An utterly charming story!
Sexual Content - 0/5
Violence - 0/5
Language - 0/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
Overall AN other favorite classic book from my early teenage years. This books is so sweet, it made me cry and warmed my heart. It is about a country girl, named Polly who
spends a summer visiting a good friend Fanny, who introduced her to all the luxuries and worldliness of her life in the big city. Polly comes to that home to remind them of a simple, happier life, sharing her values and principles, that were forgotten in her friend's household. A must read!