If you’re in his sights?County social worker, Natalie Dunn discovers a horrible secret about the father of her juvenile clients. The man not only killed one woman, but Natalie suspects he’s killed several others. She plans to go to the authorities, but before she can, the killer turns his sights on her. Fearing for the lives of this man’s children, she removes them from their home and calls in former U.S. Marshal, Drake Byrd of Nighthawk Security to protect her and the children and help her prove their father is a ruthless killerYou’re as good as dead.As they investigate, Drake learns the father is a former elite sniper and assassin, and he has done a professional job of hiding any evidence of his wrong doing. Drake vows to protect Natalie and the three children-all of whom he has come to care for-putting everything on the line for them. When bullets start flying, can he save them all from a certain death?

Sexual Content - 1/5
Violence - 1/5
Language - 0/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
From: Rebecca Maney
Book Title: Night Moves
Book Author: Susan Sleeman
What do you like about this book:
"It's Natalie. One of my clients is a serial killer. I'm at his house. With his children. He's coming home in twenty minutes, but before you tell me to call the police, I can't."
And with that phone call to an attorney friend, county social worker Natalie Dunn sets in motion a series of events that would change her life forever; fortunately her friend had inside connections with Nighthawk Security.
Drake Byrd arrives at the rendezvous location to intercept a social worker and three children expecting the stereotypical middle aged woman. Instead, he comes face to face with a beautiful blonde wearing a short skirt and too-high heels. But that was beside the point. The three children in her back seat were adorable, sound asleep, and soon to have their world rocked beyond recognition. After Drake and his team rush the four to a secure location, they begin to dig into the case, and it's not pretty. What in the world have they stumbled into?
This blend of romance and suspense is so well paced that the pages fly by towards a grand reward . . . . the ending! . . . with its own set of ingenious twists and turns!
Your ratings of the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use on a scale of 1-5.
Drug/Alcohol use:0