In this debut novel from author Amber D. Tran, a tale of adolescence and heartbreak unfolds. Nine-year-old Abigail Kavanagh first meets Ryan Mills during the summer of 1999. A shy and awkward boy, Ryan hides behind his wide-framed glasses while Abigail is determined to learn everything there is to know about him. The next few summers are filled with birthday parties, adventures in and around the West Virginian mountainsides, and late night conversations where they share their most secretive and personal thoughts.
Their friendship starts to crumble when Abigail befriends the attractive and musical Lilly Anderson, a girl who is also interested in uncovering the mysterious nature surrounding Ryan. However, everything comes to an end the summer of 2004, and Abigail must decide if her new journey is worth traveling alone.
Sexual Content - 2/5
Violence - 0/5
Language - 5/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 3/5
In the span of five years, Abigail grows from a child into a teenager. With friends, new and old, Abigail learns about life and heartbreak.
Let me start of by saying, the teacher in me wanted to wash these children's mouths out with soap. The four letter words coming out of their mouths was terrible! Some of the behavior of Abigail and her friends, I would have expected from teenagers and not nine and ten year olds.
The story itself, once you start ignoring the adult language, is interesting. I liked seeing how Abigail was affected by her friends, and how she came to realize a bad friend was draining her. Seeing Ryan's downward spiral broke my heart. The realistic and heartbreaking course of the story held me in its grip the entire time.
I would recommend this for readers who enjoy a contemporary, realistic view of growing up and aren't as sensitive to strong language.