What happens when an accountant decides to grab life by the horns and try something new? Apparently a pirate named Dave, a lot of pastel fleece, and blackmail–just to start with. . .
Visualize and succeed, Oprah said. I was sure as hell trying, even if my campaign to score a job as the local weather girl had ended in a restraining order. Okay, TV was not my strength. But a lack of talent has never stopped me before. Which is why I’ve embarked on a writing career. I mean, how hard can it be to come up with a sexy romance?
Leave it to me to wind up in a group of porno writing grannies who discuss sex toys and apple cobbler in the same breath. Also leave it to me to leak an outlandish plot idea to a bestselling author with the morals of a rabid squirrel. And only I could get arrested for a jewelry heist I didn’t commit–by a hunky cop whose handcuffs just might tempt me to sign up for a life of crime. Maybe I’ve found my calling after all. . .
“For a good time, read Robyn Peterman!” –Michelle Rowen, national bestselling author
“A zany over-the-top rompfest.” –Lexi George, author of Demon Hunting in a Dive Bar
“Outrageous, profane, hilarious, sexy and all kinds of wacky!” –Michelle Rowen, national bestselling author
91,500 Words
Sexual Content - 5/5
Violence - 1/5
Language - 5/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 2/5
Overall Rena Gunderschlict's giving up on being a weather girl now that the TV station has a restraining order against her, so now she's planning to become a romance
novelist. The writing group she visits turns out to be nothing like what she expected, and the famous author she has chosen as her dream mentor turns out to be more like Cruella Deville than the supportive genius she was imagining. Rena may never become a romance novelist (or a weather girl), but she might be able to vanquish the evil writer and save the army of little people she has been oppressing. And she might have a little romance of her own if she can convince the dishy detective to quit arresting her and start thinking of her in a different way. The story is loose and zany, with a pastiche of a historical romance intertwined into the plot,and the characters are definitely over the top.
Language Extremely vulgar language on every page.
Sexual It's not so much actual sex scenes as frequent descriptions of imaginary sex scenes... very few pages could be considered familyfriendly.