If you think it’s hard being a hobgoblin or a human, try living a goblin’s life for a while. In fact, try imagining what it’s like to be the runtiest goblin in the caves, the lone worshiper of a god who’s been forgotten for a good reason, and the target everyone points to at the first hint of trouble. Try picturing yourself as Jig Dragonslayer, and see how you like it… Despite impossible odds, Jig was still alive. He’d survived an adventurer’s quest against a dragon and a necromancer, a pixie invasion that had ogres and trolls dropping like flies, and, most frightening of all, the threat of being made chief of the goblins. He wasn’t sure how much more he could stand. Naturally, he was about to find out. War was brewing in the world outside the Mountain, and when the goblin’s lair was invaded by human warriors in search of the Rod of Creation, Jig knew it was just the start of another really bad day…
Sexual Content - /5
Violence - 3/5
Language - 1/5
Drugs and Alcohol - /5
I have some mixed emotions on this book. This is the second book in a series and I felt I was missing a lot of pieces by not having read the first one. That being said, this book was full of adventure and had a fair amount of humor interspersed. The target audience seems to be middle school age. I was a bit concerned with the level of violence for a book targeted to that age. Other than the violence, the book was clean.
Violence Lots of fighting and killing.