Death Unexpected
By: G.L. Barbour
Patricia Harding is a young paralegal with aspirations for law school. When she passes out and nearly dies at work, the medical staff at New City Hospital are at a loss for the cause of the otherwise healthy woman’s conditions. Soon after, the staff are stunned by a well-respected cardiologist’s sudden death while he is on the job. These two seemingly unrelated events lead the Chief of Staff to call on homicide detective Ron Looney to investigate.
Death Unexpected is a hospital-based murder mystery that provides an intimate glimpse into the minds and daily lives of medical staff. As Detective Looney and others seek to crack the case, the narrative reveals author G.L. Barbour’s expertise and experience in the medical field. For readers hoping for a suspense-filled novel that will also enlighten, Death Unexpected does not disappoint.

Sexual Content - 2/5
Violence - 2/5
Language - 2/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 1/5
From: Carol Pennington
Book Title: Death Unexpected
Book Author: G.L. Barbour
What do you like about this book:
When an autopsy reveals insulin in a patient who doesn’t have diabetes, hospital administrator Tom Bolling calls on his friend, Homicide Detective Looney to help him determine how to proceed. Then the unthinkable happens, another death occurs in the hospital, this time it’s the chief cardiologist. His autopsy also reveals a medication in his system that should not be there. Is there a serial killer on the loose? Or is there another explanation?
I found this to be an extremely interesting and enjoyable read. As this is a medical murder mystery, there is quite a bit of medical jargon in the story. I didn’t find this bothersome, but I have a medical background. The plot is good and it kept me guessing. There are not sex scenes. There is a fair amount of cursing. There is also violence, but it is not graphic or overdone. I recommend this book to anyone who likes a good murder mystery.
Your ratings of the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use on a scale of 1-5.
Drug/Alcohol use:1