Reenter the shadowy world of Jason Bourne, an expert assassin still plagued by the splintered nightmares of his former life. This time the stakes are higher than ever. For someone else has taken on the Bourne identity—a ruthless killer who must be stopped or the world will pay a devastating price. To succeed, the real Jason Bourne must maneuver through the dangerous labyrinth of international espionage—an exotic world filled with CIA plots, turncoat agents, and ever-shifting alliances—all the while hoping to find the truth behind his haunted memories and the answers to his own fragmented past. This time there are two Bournes—and one must die.
Sexual Content - 1/5
Violence - 2/5
Language - 1/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
Review provided by Danno: Overall The second novel in Ludlum's trilogy, this was also made into a very good movie. I read this after seeing the first movie and reading the first novel, in that order.By then I was hooked, both on the Bourne series and on Ludlum in general. A gifted writer, Ludlum didn't start his career until he was in his forties, but he was prolific, cranking out nearly 30 novels plus several published under his name but authored by others. This novel picks up where the first left off, with Jason Bourne now fighting against an impersonator. A great spy / mystery novel.