After a tragic loss, Jessica Chamberlain changes jobs, moves, and adopts a rowdy German shepherd. The two begin training with a Virginia search-and-rescue group. The group’s training director, Nathan Tanner, is a former military working dog handler with scars of his own and he quickly picks up on Jess’s ongoing anxiety.After the unexpected discovery of a body in the woods, Jess and her dog and Nate are drawn into the FBI’s search for an abductor targeting women. Tormented by her past and terrified of the future, Jess still forges ahead. Can the secrets of her late father give her the courage she needs to continue?
Sexual Content - 0/5
Violence - 1/5
Language - 0/5
Drugs and Alcohol - 0/5
"Was I doomed to live under the shame of my failures until I died?"
Jessica Chamberlain has intentionally stuffed her painful past into a corner of her life that rarely sees the light of day, carefully transitioning from one career to another, while pursuing certification as a volunteer search and rescue team with her beautiful German shepherd, Luke. When a live search call-out turns into something more sinister, Jess's carefully applied exterior shell fractures, giving training director Nathan Turner an opportunity to share hope with another tortured soul. Meanwhile, young women are dying, and there's no time to spend wallowing through regrets.
Offering keen insight into the lives of those who donate hours of their time searching for, and rescuing, those who have become lost, this book also offers much insight into the lives of those who are spiritually lost and searching for something entirely different; no condemnation. In the words of Jesus himself, "Neither do I condemn you: go, and from now on, sin no more." . . . . . In the words of the author, "What you've done doesn't need to define you."
I received a copy of this book from the author. The opinions stated above are entirely my own.