What an impact these authors of fiction and nonfiction have already had on my life! I met and interviewed each of them both on Facebook Live and a more in-depth interview which I posted on YouTube. I have provided the links below.

Author Video Interview links
Meet the Authors
I am providing a snippet of each author below to help you decide where to start and how they could impact you.
Diane Stortz, author of Encountering God’s Heart for You, writes for one goal: to make God’s wonders known to the next generation. Join her as she takes us through the bible from Genesis to Revelations in this 365 day devotional.
Brian Sanders is the Executive Vice President of five radio brands and author of Leadership Endurance. He shares strategic steps from the greatest leaders of all time.
August Turak, multiple entrepreneur and author of Brother John and Business Secrets from the Trappist Monks. What can we learn from the Monks…maybe business secrets and the purpose of live.
Kathryn Graves, speaker and author of Fashioned by God. No reason to be a hot mess when you can learn from Kathryn how to clean up your closet and your heart.
Lonnie Beerman, debut author who is taking the fiction world by storm with his moving story of three boys who overcome multiple challenges (bullying, death, loss, abuse, identity issues) through their friendship.
Robbie Raugh, speaker, registered nurse, coach and author of The Raugh Truth. Robbie reveals the 7 truths about health and exercise.
Ali Master, immigrant and author of Beyond the Golden Door will open your eyes to the freedoms that we take for granted.
Phylis Mantelli aka Mama Mantelli is now a Mama Mentor after surviving a life with a mother that could not love her.
Randy Dockens has a PhD in science and theology. He combines this knowledge in both of his fiction series; The Stele Prophecy and
Tina Yeager, counselor and coach helps us overcome insecurity, self-doubt and be who we are meant to be in Beautiful Warrior.