In this sequel to The Calling, Sheriff Luke Atwell and his deputies face individual and collective challenges from outlaws, gunfighters, renegade Indians, card sharps, and a thieving medicine show in a Kansas town in the 1870’s. The personal lives of the lawmen also change and nature takes its destructive toll on the town and its residents. When a black neighbor’s family is attacked and the oldest son killed, the sheriff gets the help of federal law enforcement and they chase a band of marauding ex-Confederates out to undo the changes resulting from the Civil War.

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Jim Hanley is a Human Resources professional, adjunct professor and short story writer, Jim has had over 70 stories appear in print and online publications.

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An Ill Wind is a wonderful trip to the Old West. The author does such amazing job of describing the characters and the area that I could really see it all playing out in my head. Sheriff Atwell was a honorable sheriff, doing what he could to keep his town and the towns nearby free of criminals. His deputies are right by his side and bring their own talents to help him.

I was put in mind of the old western TV shows that I grew up watching (Bonanza, Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, etc) with each chapter like an episode. Each chapter could be a standalone story but together they all weave an enjoyable tale.

Five stars!

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