An Interview with Lisa Orchard

Lisa Orchard’s debut novel, The Super Spies and the Cat Lady Killer, is set in Harrisburg, Michigan, a small town much like the one where Lisa grew up. The suspenseful thriller thrusts young girls into adventures that stem from Lisa’s own exploits as a...

Waiting for Dead Men’s Shoes, by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Mini Monroe works in a bookstore and lives with her mother, but that doesn’t mean she’s a mild Minnie Mouse. In fact, she’s smart and sassy — and she needs to be to negotiate the complexities of the relationships in the bookstore. Owner Colin...

Grapes of Death, by Joni Folger

Elise Beckett is a horticulturist, working on drought-resistant grapes that will give her family’s Texas vineyard an advantage over the competition. She’s dividing her time between her Hill Country hometown and the bright lights of Dallas, where her...

An Interview with Gretchen Archer

Gretchen Archer  decided to start writing when her two daughters ran off to college. A housewife in Tennessee, she lives with her husband and son on Lookout Mountain. Gretchen also has a Yorkie named Bently. Releasing tomorrow, Double Whammy is her first published...

The Battling Bluestocking, by Amanda Scott

This newly-reissued novel begins with two ladies and a gentleman in a stagecoach. We get descriptions of the pomona green sarsnet gown and chinchilla muff, and then up rides a dashing highwayman. The regular reader of Regency romance knows immediately that this will...