The difference between a curse and a gift is only a matter of perspective.

Debra lives in Southwest Arizona, and has been married to Mike for 36 years. She’s the mother of two awesome sons, who married their forever loves,
and she’s a grandmother to three beautiful grandchildren with one more on the way.

Debra wrote her first novella thirteen years ago just for grins. That brief taste into the world of an author started an undeniable writing obsession rivaling only her love of chocolate. She’s an award-winning
fine artist, and loves traveling with her husband.”
Follow Debra on her social media pages


CIA courier Lucy James never gets used to seeing innocent
people killed, but she copes with it—every day. Cursed with the ability to glimpse into the future when a death is about to happen, she has a short window of time to interfere—risking her life in order to change it. No one knows about her curse, until she saves a handsome Los Angeles firefighter trapped between her and foreign operatives hell-bent on intercepting her current assignment.

LA firefighter Johnny Cartwright’s life changes the moment he meets Lucy. His uncomplicated days flip to dangerously unpredictable after he’s drawn deeper into her secretive world of premonitions. His attraction to Lucy grows as he helps her stop a terroristic plot against the U.S., putting his life between her and certain death.




Sixty-seven seconds passed by before she regained consciousness. Lucy knew exactly how long her fainting spells lasted; she’d timed them on several occasions, out of necessity more than curiosity. She also knew how desperately vulnerable she was during those precious seconds. For the past two years she’d been on her own.

She held her breath as every nerve in her body screamed danger. Lucy heard men speaking in a language she recognized but couldn’t understand. They stood only a few feet away from her. The voices moved momentarily closer, their arguing growing more heated. She stayed completely still. Perhaps a minute passed before the sound of their heavy footfalls retreated away from her.

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