WillieJohnsonBook_Tablet Cover Mockup 01 - 171002In his book, Be Amazing, Willie shares 16 Insights on how to create a larger vision for your life. He shares with the audience the reflections that changed his life and also helped him succeed in life.

As an avid reader of motivational classics, Willie has spent years learning how to be the best in anything he starts. He has always been the type of person who is always taking on bigger and better challenges in life. Over time, ups and downs happen and sharing the lessons he has learned will help others avoid failing where he did. What better way to assist others through their journey, than sharing learned life lessons?

Willie opens the book with the chapter called “Reach Out For What You Want” in hopes that readers will embrace the idea that growth requires a person to go outside of their comfort zone.

A few key tips on what it takes to succeed in life according to Willie Johnson:

Keep Your Integrity and Never Compromise Your Character

Integrity is a moral value which means that a person is the same on the inside as they claim to be on the outside. A person of integrity can be trusted. Trust is the foundation of any lasting friendly relationship.

Develop and Maintain A Positive and Winning Attitude

Your attitude, today, determines success for tomorrow. Yes, attitude impacts everything you do.

Choose to Take Charge of Your Life

When finding your purpose and passion you will learn to transform your attitude in action. You must accept responsibility for what goes on inside your mind by monitoring your internal dialogue. Just remember, your choices determine your happiness and affect your success.

You Cannot Have A Positive Life and a Negative Mind

Learn to discipline your mind and thoughts you fill it with. It is not the mountain we conquer, but our minds.

Success Is for Everyone

The reality is that success and fulfillment are knowing who you are and what your purpose in life is and helping others along the way.

Before Anything Else, Getting Ready is the Secret of Success

By identifying your goals, you will determine your priorities. Your goals will then map out your actions and your actions will create results.

More about Be Amazing

Writing with mentors

Simon T. Bailey wrote the foreword of Be Amazing. Simon is a high profile motivational speaker and Willie has benefited greatly as a participant of Bailey’s Shift Your Brilliance Group which led Willie to write the book to share how he has made it so far.


Henry Ford has been a mentor for Willie for decades.The book is filled with encouragement, reflections and stories. Willie wanted to give the audience the taste of how it is like to be well mentored. That’s why one of the chapters was written by Henry, the author of the book The Power of Associations.



Where to get the book

About Willie Johnson


Willie Johnson is a long-time Northwest Arkansas resident but a native of Yuma, AZ. He is an award-winning inspirational speaker, corporate trainer, and a Certified DISC Trainer who is also certified in Franklin Covey Internal Client Facilitation, and a John Maxwell Team Speaker Trainer.

Willie Johnson challenges us to embrace a philosophy that it is never too late to live up to their potential or to create a larger vision for their life.

Since 2004, Willie Johnson has written quarterly inspirational articles for the Visions Newsletter/Magazine; published by Henry Ford and Associates in Twinsburg, Ohio. Willie’s articles were published on numerous occasions in the J.B. Hunt – Today Magazine. Willie Johnson is also the author of the Inspirational / Motivational self-help book It’s Possible – To Live up To Your Potential.

FTC disclosure: this is a paid sponsored post by Willie Johnson