Two Turtledoves

Book Blurb – Baldwyn Sinclair, the Duke of Paisley, returns to London in the dead of winter at the request of his overbearing grandmother to find she has forged a betrothal contract on his behalf… without his knowledge. Now he is to be married to none other than the girl who used to throw mud at him in order to gain his attention. He is not happy about the prospect, but he is nothing if not devoted to duty. Anastasia Trent has been in love with the Duke of Paisley since she was seven years old and has spent her life pining for him, fantasizing about the moment they would see each other again. But when he makes it clear that her imaginings are in vain, her disappointment drives her into the arms of a dangerous man. It is up to Baldwyn to rescue her once again, to save her from herself, and to find perhaps, along the way, exactly what his own heart was searching for.

Leah Sanders Author Photo

My thoughts: I am a huge fan of Leah Sanders and this book did not disappoint. The most touching scene was in the beginning when Anastasia, as a child, says Do you think he cries like that because Mama was his turtledove? My favorite line was where she wanted to tear Katherine’s hair out by handfuls and another scene where she wanted to scratch out her eyes. I enjoyed that Anastasia who had been in love with Baldwyn since she was a child was open about wanting the fairy tale. I thought it was funny that the servants were afraid of the dowager and that her dad was trying to get Anastasia and Baldwyn alone together. She and her dad had a great relationship. If you have been following the Renwick House series it includes appearances from some of those characters. Truly it was a very enjoyable book.

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