This is a sponsored post paid for by TightRope Ventures about their upcoming conference, TightRope Supply Chain Intensive.

A note from Donna: As you may know, I live in Northwest Arkansas which is the home of Walmart, the largest retailer. Many of my friends and family either work directly for Walmart or are in the supplier community. As a result, I feel compelled to share about this event that teaches suppliers and prospective suppliers how to better manage their supply chain from start to finish. If you or a friend of yours has been wanting to get your product into Walmart this would be a great event to attend.

TightRope has made a generous offer for any WalMart or Sam’s Club employee that has been displaced in the last six months. If this applies to you, the entry fee for this three-day event is reduced to $700, which is $1,800 off the regular price of a ticket. Contact them to get the discount code. 

Announcing TightRope Supply Chain Intensive

Atlanta Tightrope

This is a one-of-a-kind supplier development event for prospective and current suppliers, brokers and their teams. The Tightrope team will use our their 30+ years of experience selling and managing products to top national retailers to show you how it is done.

Beginning with a vision that anyone can master the supply chain process, we pooled our collective experience and knowledge to create a value-packed workshop for companies to acquire hands-on learning of the entire supply chain process from start to finish.

We will take you step-by-step through the process, from Product Development, Packaging, Product  Replenishment, and Reporting. You will walk away with a clear vision and plan for your company to successfully and profitably do business with Walmart and Sam’s Club, or any retailer.

At TightRope, we have understood since our inception the value of cultivating a strong network to foster deeper learning and broaden exposure globally. Our network makes us smarter, builds our knowledgebase and grounds us. That is why from day one, our focus has been to create a learning and development experience that is centered on creating peer-to-peer collaboration and building ongoing relationships.

When you attend a TightRope event or become a TightRope coaching client, you become a part of the TightRope family. We become part of your network. In turn, we become a part of each other’s success story. We’d love to be a part of yours. We help our clients achieve unparalleled success

Just a few of the top-notch speakers at TightRope Supply Chain Intensive event:

Melanie MerklingMelanie Merkling is a well-known connector in the Northwest Arkansas business community and beyond. With a career in business and brand development spanning 17 years, Melanie has a proven track record of generating profits in startups, reviving businesses under financial duress across varying industries and helping companies secure and grow their business with Walmart and Sam’s Club. Melanie has worked with a diverse mix of clients, both domestic and international, ranging from tech start-ups to food producers to creative agencies seeking to grow their businesses.

bob mannBob Mannis a retail industry veteran with decades of selling to Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club. He was a partner at Club Marketing Services, a full-service sales and marketing company, which he ran for 27 years. Adept at approaching challenges with both conventional and “outside of the box,” Bob and his team conquered a corporate giant’s resistance to middlemen. As a professional speaker and business coach, Bob’s insights and experiences are internationally sought to motivate and educate large organizations and companies.

leslieLeslie Lentz is CEO and Founder of Lentz & Company, a sales and marketing company committed to growing brands with the World’s Largest Retailer. Leslie has worked in the Consumer Products Industry for over 18 years with Fortune 500 Companies including Procter & Gamble, Delmonte Foods and Lindt & Sprungli. Leslie started Lentz & Company four years ago and has become a recognized sales agency in Northwest Arkansas. Leslie’s core belief is to not be intimidated by what you do not know, and doing things differently can be one of your greatest strengths in business.

steve caldwellDr. Steve Caldwell PhD. is an author of numerous books, including Winning in a Hostile Environment, and is a strategic business consultant and executive coach as President of DBL Insights. After 20 years as an executive in the consumer products industry with Coca-Cola and Pepsi supplier systems, he founded Data Ventures; a data analytics company that uses retail scanning data to transform category management initiatives. Recognized in the field of business change for both his published research and his practical experience implementing innovative processes in retail buying, supplier logistics, and customer marketing in the retailer/manufacturer partnership, he teaches business teams to implement strategic change.

Are you interested in this event? Don’t delay! Visit the TightRope Ventures website for more information and to register.