I am thrilled to have Christian Author Darlene Dodds sharing a guest post today.  She is one of seven authors who have formed The Posse  which you can read more about below.  They are the authors of Threads of Time and have formed their own publishing company; Wings of Hope Publishing Group.   I am giving away an ebook copy to someone who leaves a blog comment.  You can purchase the book here for $1.99.  It is seven short stories for a total of 464 pages.

Possethreads of time


THREADS OF TIME – All about the authors

The authors of Threads of Time met online over the course of ten years, starting in 2004, as members of American Christian Fiction Writers. They worked together as critique partners, but soon realized they had something else – a very special friendship. Within a short amount of time, and a few funny moments, they became known as The Posse, to themselves and at writer’s conferences. The implication is clear. These ladies have each other’s backs.

Living in different states, California, Georgia, Kansas, Missouri, Texas and Tennessee, writer’s conferences were the only time these writers actually got to see one another in person. And yet, they spoke everyday on a special email loop. They have celebrated first time contracts, marriages, births, deaths, and everything else life can throw at them. And they face it all together.

Every June the seven friends get together for a retreat in Kansas at Kim Vogel Sawyer’s home. This past June 2013, a conversation about how eBooks are changing the landscape of publishing led to floating the idea of writing their own eBook. So they could all be involved, they decided to each write a novella (a short novel) and connect them with a common idea or object.

And the brainstorming began! They came up with a cohesive plot about a patchwork quilt that would be handed down through the generations, right up to present day. They knew they had a fantastic idea and got to work ironing out the details. Unfortunately, Kim Sawyer could not be involved due to her current publishing contract. But, her father, Ralph Vogel, was thrilled to be asked to step in for her.

The next issue…a publisher. Well, why not form their own publishing group and control what and when and how they publish? That’s when Wings of Hope Publishing Group took shape.

Within eight months, their first eBook, THREADS OF TIME, debuted on Amazon at #2 in Christian Historical Romantic Fiction and has remained in the top 100 since its release. Five-star reviews are coming in, and they couldn’t be happier about the novella set’s success, or more excited about future projects.

It is their hearts desire’s that readers will not only be entertained, but will also feel God’s love for them tug at their own hearts through this special quilt and its journey.

The authors are:

Darlene A. Dodds, California

J. Michele Franklin, Tennessee

Eileen Key, Texas

K. Marie Libel, Kansas

Constance Shilling Stevens, Georgia

Marjorie Vawter, Missouri

Ralph Vogel, Kansas

They invite you to visit them on their Facebook page, Wings of Hope Publishing. They each also have Author Profiles on Amazon.com


Hope and Grace to you,


Darlene Wells


Facebook: Darlene Dodds Wells Author

“If your dream doesn’t scare you, it’s not big enough.” Cathy Lechner