merchant-of-veniceSuzanna, Eric, and Fernando have been the Three Musketeers since grade school. When they grew up, they decided to move from their Napa Valley home to L.A. and they opened The Rollicking Bun, a tea room/ bookstore, and live together above the shop. They’ve always been there for one another, through romantic entanglements, jealousies, dreams and ambitions, troubles and disappointments.

So why does Suzanna find herself wanting something that she doesn’t have to share with the guys? And why dance lessons? It might have something to do with the luscious Rio, a salsa dance instructor Suzanna runs into — literally– or it might be the birthday that’s coming up. In any case, for some reason she finds herself hiding her dance lessons from her business partners and roommates.

It’s not such a major decision, but somehow everything in Suzanna’s life seems to be changing. Is it all for the best, or not?

The cover makes this book look a lot steamier than it is. There’s plenty of romance, but it’s really a charming novel about friendship in its many forms.

Lots of local color, a recipe, and some great shopping scenes move this firmly into the category of chick lit, but it’s a satisfying light novel readers will enjoy.