The Bachelor Bargain

The Bachelor Bargain
Author: Maddison Michaels

Review Date: 31 May 2023
The Bachelor Bargain by Madison Michaels was a fun historical romance with a mystery. Lady Olivia was determined to figure out who killed her best friend. And she’s determined to make all the men pay who were taking advantage of young women. She’s even willing to make a deal with the devil , a.k.a. the bastard of Baker Street. I liked how determined she was and the chemistry between her and Sebastian. It also makes me want to go back and read Kat’s story. The secondary characters were also a great addition to the story. I think my favorite was her godmother. The book mentions that it may cover some tough topics. I didn’t find the book disturbing. I mean in the opening scene one of her best friends has been seduced, abandoned and dies. The question is, did she commit suicide or did someone kill her.  Sebastian’s sister was also a fun addition. I am also hoping she may get her own book. Sebastian grew up on the streets and was part of a gang. He currently rules some of the shadier parts of town. He does violent things, but I didn’t feel that they were described in any detail that would make me uncomfortable.