Ruthanna Witter is the most charming young lady I have met.   She was such a pleasure to meet and interview.  Watching the interview with Ruthanna, you can feel her passion for writing, her characters and her family.

Ruthanna Witter

She shares with us the hardest scene she wrote.  She mentions that the FBI may have her on a watch list from her research for the book.  In addition, you will find out why she may be getting baby coupons in the mail.  Only authors will understand.

I plan for my last question to be lighthearted and fun.  Ruthanna shares some very personal insights which will endear you to her even more.  For someone so young, she recognizes God’s hand when some of us may not.

I recommend you to watch this interview and you will be encouraged.  Ruthanna is truly a treasure.  I don’t know how we could not love her books too.

If you missed our live interview in Nashville at CBA Unite, you can watch a replay of it here.

How to Break a Paradox

how to break a paradox“They weren’t here to steal. They were here to kill me… worse yet, I had the dreadful sense that this wasn’t the end. It was the beginning of something worse. Something much worse.” Working as an undercover hacker for the FBI, Amber Gibson lives her life from one daring encounter to another; she thrives on it. But when her world is turned up-side-down, she is forced to live with one foot in reality and one in the cyber realm.

Coaxed out of her isolation by a solitary friendship, she soon finds herself surrounded by caring people. Associating with them would endanger their lives, but perhaps it would be worth the risk. Attempting to conceal her broken past, she does her best to begin again and carry out the charade of a normal life. However, bridging the two worlds proves immensely more dangerous than Amber anticipated.

Too late, she learns that, unlike computers, reality cannot be reprogrammed.

you can purchase How to Break a Paradox here.

Ruthanna Witter

Ruthanna WitterRuthanna Witter’s passion for life and adventure is evident in her stories, along with her light-hearted sense of humor. The underlying theme of hope is strong. Ruthanna’s hope is founded in the Lord her Savior, Whom she loves dearly. She believes wholeheartedly that each person’s life has significance and purpose. Living with her family in North Carolina, Ruthanna loves to retreat to the beach, where the ocean, with its beauty and hidden mysteries, inspires her. Her little Mini-Poochon, Daisy, is often found curled up at her side as she writes.