summer in snow valley


Bestselling Amazon Authors of Christmas in Snow Valley, have teamed up again with six wonderful summer novellas that are sure to make your summer sweet and sassy! Summer in Snow Valley is a collection of six romance novellas.

Catching Caytie by Amazon Top Seller Cindy Roland Anderson

The first one Catching Caytie is a sweet western romance. You have big city girl Caytie/Catherine escaping her father and fiancé and running  to her uncle George’s house/ranch. There she meets a cowboy and she starts realizing how shallow her live had been before. I like how the author actually took her occupation and made it work and didn’t make it seem like a dream. One of the secondary characters, Kelken was very interesting and I am hoping gets his own story .

Tin Foil Tiaras by Amazon Top Seller Jeanette Lewis

The second book in the story is Tin Foil Tiaras is about a girl who’s occupation is to prepare women for beauty pageant. I wasn’t sure how much I would like with this one but the author did really good with the story. This one had a touch of more serious issues but they didn’t get into the details of the issue.  This could have been a very good full-length novel by addressing some of those more serious issues in more detail.

A Touch of Love by Amazon Top Seller Cami Checketts

The next book was A Touch of Love by Cami Checketts. Where the main character is a massage therapist which I found very interesting how she was able to give massages to the guy she was interested in. I also thought he was very charming how he was trying to go back and find reasons to see her.     This one also had a touch of some serious issues with his ex-girlfriend. I like how they resolved it all in the end.  His family is full of great characters and I can see them having their own stories in the future. I loved how he handled her mother.

First Love by Amazon Top Seller Taylor Hart

The next story is First Love and is a little heartbreaking for me because I hate how one choice can change someone’s life and you can’t make up for that time that you lost. It’s a cute story of getting back together after all those years. It just makes me sad that they missed those years in between. And this one dimming female character also has some issues that she’s dealt with. I loved it when she asked him what would you do if I said I had a cough. I liked her least of all the female leads in the series. Although she had a very good story and others might enjoy it.

Romancing Rebecca by Amazon Top Seller and Award-winning Author Kimberley Montpetit

I’m not a fan of love triangles however Romancing Rebecca was a cute book and I really like the ending. You also enjoy how it intertwined a couple other stories in the series. You’ll see the bachelor auction and the beauty pageant from another angle.  Rebecca has to choose between Nick who she’s known from all her summers in Snow Valley when she stayed with her aunt and Wayne the fireman who has been hanging out at the bed-and-breakfast.  There is a very cute relationship between Rebecca and her aunt.

Love in Light and Shadow by Amazon Top Seller and Award-winning Author Lucy McConnell
Mercedes has sworn off hot men because they have a tendency to break her heart. When she meets her new neighbor, Chet, she immediately puts him in that category based on his physique and stunning blue eyes. But the more Mercedes learns about the cowboy who reads classics and forges iron, the more she realizes the heart doesn’t see in black and white; it sees light and shadows.