
Dani Pettrey

Stranded is the third book in the Alaskan Courage series.  Stranded is Gage and Darcy’s story. Darcy is going back as an undercover reporter to help a friend who is working a case on a cruise ship.  Gage is working on the ship with his adventure excursions.   Stranded is a very good book with lots of action, suspense, romance and faith.   That being said I did not enjoy it as much as I did Submerged and Shattered.  There were times I didn’t like Darcy’s actions.   I was disappointed that Darcy revealed Jake’s secret.  Don’t get me wrong, I was very excited to hear Jake’s secret but felt that Darcy should have stood up to Kayden and not revealed it.  There was also not as much romance which could be because there was so much action or because of the character’s personalities.  The plot was intricate, creepy and probably realistic; which scares the heck out of me.    I took great pleasure in the fact Jake and several of the characters from the previous books were included in Stranded.    Dani develops the characters so well that you are anxiously awaiting the next book in the series.  I have my fingers crossed that it will finally be Kayden and Jake’s story.

My favorite line in the books was:  He refrained from reminding her what fine stood for. Freaked out. Insecure. Neurotic. Emotional.

The book is extremely well written and Dani has definitely made a name for herself for writing thrilling romantic suspense.