Lets start out learning a bit about these two fabulous books in this Chronicles


Regeneration X


Regeneration X is a story about having choices and dealing with the consequences; creating new memories and letting others fade; and making sacrifices in pursuit of happiness.


At one time or another, you’ve probably said or thought, “In hindsight, …” So, what happens when To have been, becomes something that can be changed?
In the not too distance future, Charley faces a hard choice: whether or not to follow her long since abandoned dreams. Journey with her on a quest, and you’ll be asking, “If I could change the past, would I?” Delve into this simple question, because one day soon, you too, may have that chance. Our world is flying forward—fast; would you glide, or take the risk and soar? 
To be or to have been … THAT is the question.


Purchase RegenerationX hereUniversal Amazon Link





Nineteen-year-old, Emery Kidd is one of two historians for her community. As a Chronicler, she is aware of the minute details of a society dramatically changed in the course of the two hundred years since cellular regression began. However, it is only now, after one of her lifetimes has passed, Emery discovers an important fact about her own heritage. She is the daughter of the most famous of regeneratives to have ever lived.

Consequently, Emery is also quietly learning just what it means to be the daughter of a martyred woman. Undoubtedly, she bears a strong resemblance to her mother, but more than auburn hair and expressive facial features, Emery would like to believe she’s inherited the same strength of character as well. And yet, believing and knowing are entirely separate matters.
Since everything changes with time—in varying degrees—and destiny often unfolds a plan unforeseen, Emery may just find the opportunity to test her belief. In fact, the entire human population will come face to face with their true inheritance.
The question is how this legacy will be received. For the future is inevitable, this much is certain. Lest we forget, the mere passage of time does not come with it the entitlement to life. To live and prosper is a path that is earned, but mankind has seemingly forgotten this. Can Emery remind the world that survival requires conscious effort? Will Emery and her friends, Cassidy, a fellow chronicler, Liam, a brilliant engineer, and Aiden, a reserved mediator be enough to save the oblivious many?
Purchase Progeny here:  Universal Amazon Link
Ellison Blackburn is a full-time designer/web developer of fifteen years. Ironically, she often waxes nostalgic over simpler days. Her passions include writing fiction and poetry, painting, and collecting vintage thingamabobs.

Raised in Chicago, she relocated to the Pacific Northwest where she currently lives with her husband and three beastly, furry children.

She is a writer of fiction and poetry and the internationally published author of Regeneration X. 


Connect with Ellison Blackburn here:



Regeneration X

This is a novel about the choices a person makes in their life and dealing with the consequences of those choices. I’ve never read a book like this and I was really fascinated by it. It is set in the not too distant future where it’s possible for a person to be ‘regenerated’, having your very cells de-aged to any age you choose.


I really liked the main character Charlotte ‘Charley’ as she tries to make sense of what she wants. She thinks she’s depressed but that’s not the case, she’s just convinced herself she could be. Her misgivings and struggles are so real. The description of the technology of 2026 was interesting and detailed in-depth.


A thought provoking read for anyone!



The sequel to Regeneration X is set over two hundred years after the first book. The world has changed a great deal since Charley, the most famous ‘regen’. It’s possible to generate multiple times, to have multiple lifetimes, and doing so has consequences that are felt worldwide.


Progeny focus on Emery Kidd, who just happens to be Charley’s daughter. Her journey to save the world is fast paced and engaging. This book made me rethink everything I thought I understood from the first book, and I enjoyed it more than Regeneration X. It will be interesting to see where the author takes the rest of the series in the books to come.




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