Social distancing has made it harder than ever to find authentic connection with one another. God created each and every one of us with a hunger for true community, deeper connection with him, and friendships that are greater than “likes” on social media. Amberly Neese provides biblical and practical help for cultivating meaningful relationships that glorify God through an examination of how to:
– Find One Another
– Fellowship with One Another
– Forgive One Another
– Fortify One Another
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When life gets hard, aspects of the future are uncertain, and we’re at the mercy of other’s decisions, we want more power over the situation. However, those are the times we need to learn how to surrender, just like Jesus did. In SurrenderedBarb Roose leads readers to discover six principles that will equip them to let God Lead the way:
– Recognize You Can’t Handle It
– Stop Following Your Feelings
– Give Up Control and Reach for God
– Embrace God’s Better Blessing
– Let Go of Fear
– Experience the Blessings of a Surrendered Life
Click here for the press kit ~ Click here for Q&A

Our words have power and make an impact on the people around us. Some words are nice and kind while others are mean and hurtful. Taste Your Words by Bonnie Clark that cleverly illustrates why we should think before we speak.
– Inspired by Proverbs 16:24
– Mean words taste like rotten eggs & spoiled milk
– Nice words taste like cherries, ice cream & candy
– Illustrated by Disney Animator Todd Bright
– Great reminder for the entire family
Click here for the press kit ~ Click here for the Q&A

Women compare themselves constantly. On social media, in their neighborhood, at church, at work, even in the school drop-off lane, they glance sideways and ask, “How do I measure up?” Behind all this comparison is an enemy gaining tactical advantage. Shannon Popkin invites women to leave measure-up comparison behind and connect with those around them by choosing Jesus’s me-free way of living. Shannon shares about:
– What happens to relationships when we compare
– Jealousy & selfish ambition are from the enemy
– What can we do when we’re tempted to compare
– Comparing our kids creates bondage & isolation
– Me-free living free us from the detriments of this measure-up world.
Click here for the press kit ~ Click here for the Q&A

Somewhere between “Jesus Loves Me” and high school cynicism, the childlike acceptance of pat answers about faith is lost—often forever. While many parents find this transitional period daunting, they don’t want their kids to leave the Christian faith just because they didn’t get good answers to how prayer works or whether dinosaurs were on Noah’s ark. Janelle Alberts and Ingrid Faro help parents tackle the God questions that make them sweat. Honest Answers addresses some of the biggest faith questions that kids have, covering:
– The Bible
– Prayer
– Faith and science
– The church
Click here for the press kit ~ Click here for the Q&A