Overcoming Hurtful Words by Janell Rardon is a book all of us can learn from.  Janell reveals that the book came from her own needs. Specifically, she called the situation that trigger the book a spiritual tipping point.   Janell challenged herself as to what was she doing that allowed people to speak to her that way.  As a result, she realized that she was a people pleasure.  Janell developed 9 practices that will take you from a heart rift, through a heart shift, to a heart lift.

One of the practices she mentioned that I found very helpful was to listening to other people’s stories.  Take 15 minutes at the end of the day to think about all the stories you heard during the day and how they impact your story.

Janell went back to school to get her masters at the age of 50.  As a result, she started counseling and realized that the woman’s heart is the one that can transform the family.

Need to be committed to practices these three things.

  1. A Healthy sense of self
  2. Healthy behavior patterns
  3. Healthy communication skills

Choose healthy over unhealthy.  And she is not talking about food.

What a closing from Janell!  You have value, worth and dignity.  Believe it.

Link to her pod cast  Speak Healing Words.


Overcoming Hurtful Words

overcoming hurtful wordsHurtful words can steal joy, distort truth, and create long-term struggles with understanding your worth and purpose. In this powerful new book, counselor and life coach Janell Rardon, MA, equips you to address and reframe negative words and labels that have hurt you in order to achieve healing and lasting freedom. By understanding and embracing your God-created identity, you will develop a healthy sense of self and build a foundation for lasting, positive relationships. Using Scripture along with tested and proven techniques, you can exchange unhealthy beliefs and behaviors for a new, joy-filled life.


Meet Janell Rardon

Janell rardonJanell Rardon (www.janellrardon.com) is the author of “Overcoming Hurtful Words: Rewrite Your Own Story” (December 2017) and “Embracing Healing Words: Live Your Beautiful New Story (2018). She is an event speaker and board certified life coach (AACC). In addition, she specializes in marriage and family relationships.  Janell loves nothing more than helping others speak healing words that help them live a rich, meaningful life. She loves traveling to Kenya with Tree of Lives, a non-profit serving the African family, with a particular interest in serving the Mamas of “The Joy Village,” a family-modeled orphanage to care for abandoned, abused and neglected children of Kenya.

podcast speak healing words