Nicki Corinne, More Than a ReviewNicki Corinne is very transparent in the book.  Her goal is for people to know there is hope and that we continue to grow.  Nicki has a passion for helping those that are hurting. Not Really A Princess is a redemption story dealing with grief, adoption, poverty, rejection and issues concerning widows.It is written like a story. 

If you didn’t get a change to watch us live you can watch Nicki’s interview below.  She ends the interview sharing a piece of advice for the listeners that might be hurting and a sneak peak at her new book she is working on.

Not Really a Princess

not really a princessNot Really A Princess is a redemption story dealing with grief, adoption, poverty, rejection and issues concerning widows. It begins in a small town in Washington where the author and her sister, Lisa were adopted at an early age. Through trying times they struggled both financially and emotionally. Their adoptive dad died when the author was 13 and they had no income. Moma sank into despair. Through this time Moma, Lisa and the author became believers in Christ as their Savior. This gave them hope and an inner peace through years of being encouraged by others and studying God’s Word. The final twenty-five years of Moma’s life were her happiest times. She turned from bitterness created by adversity to a joyful life of praying for others. The author and her sister had their own changes and growth in their lives. She struggled with feelings of rejection, of truly believing others loved her and also accepting that her Moma was a truly renewed person. This story encompasses many genres and reaches out to those who need hope through difficult times. Hopefully it will be used as a tool by many to show others they can grow and change throughout their life.

Purchase Not Really a Princess

Author Biography

Nicki CorinneNicki Corinne has a passion for studying and teaching God’s Word. She has been leading Bible studies for many years and discipling young women. She volunteers in her local church with both children’s ministry and women’s ministry. It is important to Nicki to seek to welcome new visitors to the church and those who tend to come in late and leave early. She has a heart for these people. Nicki is always an encouragement to those around her. Nicki often opens her home to share and serve others through hospitality. She has been able to use her story and personal experience to encourage others and hopes to expand this ministry through her books.

Nicki Corinne grew up in Snohomish, Washington, with her mom, dad and sister Lisa. The Maynard family adopted Nicki and her sister when she was only one. Nicki went to college at a small Christian Liberal Arts College in Southern California. She married her husband, Craig, two years after graduating. They moved to Central California then on to the bay area where they had their first three children.  Five years later, they moved to Boise, Idaho where their fourth child was born.  Nicki has worked several jobs including teaching, merchandizing and various artist projects.  Her favorite thing to do is study God’s Word and teach others. She enjoys time outdoors, painting, writing, and spending time with her four children and five grandkids.

Nicki’s Website


