Marry Me is a full length debut novel by Kristin Wallace and is published by Astraea Press.  It is my choice for the 2013 Debut Author giveaway.  You can enter to win here. a Rafflecopter giveaway

marry me

A truly enjoyable debut by Kristin Wallace.   Marry Me will enthrall you as you watch Julia overcome her fears and understands her feelings for Seth.  Marry Me is at times funny, sweet and heart breaking.

Julia comes back to help her step sister, Sarah by managing her wedding planning business while Sarah is on bed rest.  Sarah is a master at influencing Julia to help her so that Mary the soon to be new born can save the world.   Julia found herself in wedding situations that ranged from comical, imaginative and grueling.  Julia runs into Seth who is all grown up from the lanky boy who used to hang out with her and Sarah.   Seth has filled out and has become a pastor.  Julia struggles with her feelings for Seth and her feelings about God.  Julia is convince she could never live up to the image of being a pastor’s wife and convinces Seth he should date Amy the perfect little church girl who has had an intense crush on Seth.

Maybe the only book I have read where the author revealed some of the political and petty issues that arise within a church family.  We observe Seth as he handled church issues from soap dishes to choir directors with a past.  In addition, Marry Me is one of the few books where an author was able to masterfully create a pastor who is sexy, human and adorable.  Seth copes with losing his wife and the emotional and physical feelings he starts to have after spending time with Julia.

Marry Me is loaded with fun, quirky and tender secondary characters that add even substance to the story.  Grace was Julia’s stepmom and the perfect mom figure. She has survived losing two husbands one to Heaven and one to another woman.   Some of her past comes back to influence the story.   Meredith was a wonderful friend to Julia and added even more to think about as she tries to use her musical talent for the church while battling the stigmatism of her past.  Everyone wants a Betsy in their life/work who is prepared for anything.  Sarah the sweet, manipulative (in a good way) step sister.

A truly enjoyable read by Kristin Wallace that I would highly recommend.  It is a full length book that will keep your attention.  I will definitely be reading more books by her.

Marry Me is written by Kristin Wallace and published by Astreae Press and is my pick for the 2013 Debut Author Giveaway Hop.

kristin wallace AP


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