Linda Fergerson shares with us how she revealed a lot of her own story in book 1; A Royal Dance. A young girl, LInda FergersonJerusha has a secret that she is afraid to tell.   In book 2, Jerusha grows up and feels that she is cursed because she cannot have children.

Linda has a passion for people to come out of their dark places and know what God’s plan for them is and how much he loves them.   She is already working on book 3; A Royal Father.

Linda reveals that this book has been with her for a long time.  During a trip to Israel, she felt God prepare her that it was time to write it. .

A Royal Dance The Lion and the Butterfly

Jerusha’s father dotes on her and calls her Royalty, a lioness who will one day dance before his King. She a adores her father, but cannot tell him her darkest secret. Instead of dancing like other Jewish girls, Jerusha sits alone plagued by guilt for a crime she did not commit. Who will believe her story against the word of the most respected religious leader in Jerusalem?

Jerusha’s fears are amplified when her Jewish mother, who is deceived by the high priest, forces Jerusha to leave her father?s protection and live as a lowly servant in Herod’s palace. Will the esteemed son of the high priest still want to marry her? Or will Timon, her father?s handsome apprentice, win her heart?

Caught between the orthodox beliefs of her beautiful Jewish mother and her father?s newfound faith in the Messiah, Yeshua, Jerusha is plummeted into a soul- wrenching family tragedy that leaves her with more questions than answers.

Take an unforgettable journey in this first book of the Lion and the Butterfly series. Walk the dusty streets of first century Jerusalem and discover the chrysalis of hope for a new beginning through faith in Yeshua.


A Royal Family: The Lion and the Butterfly Book Two by Linda Fergerson

Jerusalem AD 34. Jerusha desires to bless her husband, Timon with many sons, descendants from Judah. After four miscarriages, she’s haunted by her past and believes she’s cursed.
A royal familyHer empty womb brings shame. The old women wag their tongues. Without sons to present to Timon, she feels worthless. Unfullfilled. Is Timon’s love not enough?
Throughout Jerusalem, parents are torn from their children and imprisoned for their beliefs. The high priest plots against her family. Jerusha is convinced that no one who touches her cursed life is safe.

In her father’s villa, nestled high on Mount Zion, Timon insists they harbor orphans and widows of persecuted Yeshua followers. The mysterious Roman decree on her door, sealed with her grandfather’s lion and butterfly signet ring, provides their only protection. How much longer before someone rips it down? More intrigue unfolds when Devorah, a beautiful widow, seeks refuge at their villa. A mysterious trader watches from afar.Sudden tragedy strikes.

Jerusha flees and takes a dangerous journey to Shiloh. A divine encounter with Father God forever changes her identity. She returns to a city that overflows with controversy and conflicts. Will the high priest’s plot succeed? Or will she live to raise a royal family?

Linda Fergerson

Linda is a gifted story teller, speaker and dancer, ministered with Warring Dove International in Israel. After Linda Fergersonvisiting a Jewish orphanage in Shiloh, she had a divine encounter with God at the site of the old tabernacle. It forever marked her heart with the Father’s desire to see His children free to fulfill the words He spoke over them before they were born. She served as Vice President of Women’s Aglow, held A Night with the King meetings for women and founded His Writers, and intercessory group for writers. This novel captures her own journey out of sexual abuse as a child. She longs to see other women get free. Linda embraces all parts of Christ’s body. She attends First Southern Baptist Church and The Gathering, a nondenominational Church. She lives with her husband and three adopted sons in Dodge City, Kansas.