Kelly Berry was a teacher and had been thinking about writing children’s books for awhile now.  She shares the story that triggered her desire to write again.  The Tasty Thumb is her second book and she has several more that will be coming in the future. Kelly shares her purpose for each book and how she adds a scripture in the back of the book.  Additionally, she even tell us her favorite childhood books.

Kelly is an independent writer and has a lot of influence on the illustrations which are adorable in both The Tasty Thumb and Sugar Pie’s Shoes.

With this in mind, if you missed our Facebook Live interview you can watch it here.


The Tasty Thumb book description:

Kicking the tasty-thumb habit can be tough for kids. And Kathryn’s experience was no exception. Her tasty thumb had helped Kathryn in some ways that even surprised her mom! But when Kathryn’s dentist says she has to stop, her prayers and creative thinking helped bring about a solution to her thumb-sucking problem!

Purchase The Tasty Thumb


Sugar Pie’s Shoes book description:

GOD is the Gift-Giver, and Sugar Pie’s Shoes is a fanciful story about God’s funny way of giving every newborn baby a unique blessing. All Kissin’ Cows are required to undergo training with a sweet, southern cow named Miss Gwendolyn.

Sugar Pie is a cow whose dream of becoming one of God’s Kissin’ Cows is delayed because of her unusually large feet. She decides her big feet won’t get in the way of her becoming one of God’s Kissin’ Cows. She overcomes her frustration with ingenuity and lots of practice. Along the way, Sugar Pie realizes she can trust in God’s provision.

Purchase Sugar Pie’s Shoes

Kelly Berry is a former teacher and preschool director, and her heart’s desire is for little ones everywhere to know that God has a plan and a purpose for each one of them. Sugar Pie’s Shoes is Kelly Berry’s first children’s book. Her working days at preschool offered many opportunities for her to observe little ones and their funny habits. Thumb-sucking topped the list! Kelly was sometimes known to ask the thumb-suckers if their thumbs tasted like chocolate and the idea for The Tasty Thumb was born! Kelly and her husband have raised their two boys in Nashville, TN.