Life on the Edge jennifer comeaux

Jennifer Comeaux started writing when she was seven but took the business route in school and earned a Master of Accounting from Tulane University. She eventually found herself looking for a creative outlet while she worked in the corporate world as a Certified Public Accountant in south Louisiana. An avid ice skating fan, Jennifer dreamed up Life on the Edge and put pen to paper to publish her first novel. The sequel, Edge of the Past, was published soon after and a third installment, Fighting for the Edge, is due out this November.

Jennifer is counting down the days for the release of ‘Fighting for the Edge’ but she took some time to interview with us and is giving a way a copy of Life on the Edge.  You can enter the Life on the Edge giveway here.

MTAR: Tell us a little bit about yourself?

Jennifer:  I’m a tax accountant by day, writer by night! I wrote a lot of stories when I was a kid but didn’t write for many years as school and work got in the way. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I began writing fiction again.

MTAR: What started your love of figure skating?

Jennifer:  I’ve been watching skating on TV as long as I can remember, and I was always fascinated by it. I live in south Louisiana, so skating isn’t popular around here, but I was glued to the TV for every competition and show. I’ve always thought figure skating is the perfect combination of sport and art.

MTAR:  What inspired you to write your first book?

Jennifer:  I had a story idea in my head for many years about a romance between a skater and a coach, and a friend insisted that I write the story so she could read it. The book started out as just a fun project to share with friends, but then I decided to get serious about it and turn it into a publishable book.

MTAR: Can you tell us about your upcoming book?

Jennifer:  Fighting for the Edge is the third and final book in the EDGE series. It will be out November 5! Edge of the Past was the second book in the series, and this next one will complete Emily’s personal and skating journeys. It will also give Emily’s best friend Aubrey’s story as they prepare for the Olympics.

MTAR: Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with?

Jennifer:  This is my first series, so these are the only characters I’ve ever known, and it’s hard to say goodbye to them! I have a few ideas for companion novels about some of the secondary characters from the series, so I might not have to completely say goodbye to them. I’d like to continue writing stories set in the skating world because I love the sport and all the drama that surrounds it. And there aren’t enough fiction books about skating out there.

MTAR: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Jennifer:  All my books are feel-good reads, so I just want readers to come away with a smile and to feel like they’re emotionally invested in the characters.

MTAR: If you were a super hero, what would be your superpower?

Jennifer:  I’d love to be able to teleport! I love travelling, so I’d like to get from place to place much quicker.

MTAR: What makes you laugh?

Jennifer:  Being goofy with my friends and acting like teenagers!

MTAR: What would your fans be surprised to know about you?

Jennifer:  I’ve only been on the ice once in my life and I was terrified! I’m a much better spectator than skater.