It has truly been a pleasure getting to know Megan as she publishes her first book.  Please join me in celebrating with her!Megan C Smith

expired regrets

Expired Regrets releases today!!!   

MTAR: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Megan:  I was born and raised in Florida. Moved away to NC for a bit with my husband who served in the Marines before coming back home this year. I have 3 kids, Zachary, Alexander, and Mili – who are my world.

MTAR: What do you do when you are not writing?

Megan: Chasing & Playing with the 3 kids, Chutes & Ladders is our current fave, Adult time would include diving into a good book or hanging out with my girlfriends.

MTAR:  What inspired you to write your first book? 

Megan:  I have written for as long as I can remember, I got a children’s book made when I was in Elementary school with the help of our Assistant Principal that went to the library there. Writing has always been my escape, I have stories running through my mind all the time so with the help of a dear friend I took the plunge into publishing and sharing my stories with others.

 MTAR: Share three items on your bucket list?

Megan:  Ooo tricky one…  (1) Go on an Alaskan cruise. (2) Hop in an RV and do a cross-country road trip getting off at any sign that looks interesting.  (3) Go to Ireland.

 MTAR: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Megan: My biggest message is, Live for Today. It’s how I have tried to live my life, appreciate what’s in front of you, don’t jump to conclusions, don’t reach the end of this crazy journey and regret the what if’s and could’ve beens.

 MTAR: What makes you laugh?

Megan: Listening to my two boys 4 & 2 years old talk to one another when they are having their conversations. It AMAZES me the things that come out of their mouths.

 MTAR: What has been your best author moment?

Megan:  I’m still pretty new to it all but, best moment would be hearing back from the first complete stranger how much they laughed, cried, and loved, Expired Regrets.

 MTAR: Any advice for first time authors?

Megan: Type, Type, and Type some more. If you have an idea, don’t save it for later – write it down or record a voice memo if your driving. Cherish those moments of inspiration.

 MTAR: What would your fans be surprised to know about you?

Megan:  Okay so this one took me a good 30 minutes! I wanted to pick something super cool, but I’ve come to the realization I’m not so exciting so I’m going to go with something that relates to the upcoming holiday, Halloween. I think people would be surprised to know… I am the BIGGEST chicken ever! If I’m scared I have a panic attack where I hyperventilate, laugh, and cry at the same time. My husband, family and friend think it is hilarious and go out of their way to scary the ever living poo out of me.