
Elaina Garcia is a news anchor in Savannah, with a good enough relationship with a nice guy, a good enough job, and a possibly better opportunity with a new station in Florida. Things look good in her life from the outside, and she has no desire to give it up.

The death of her sister Tessa back home in Texas is a shock, but her plan is to fly in for the funeral and get back to her good-enough life in Georgia.

Then she begins to hear the ghost of her sister talking with her. She learns that her sister has left her part of a promising winery, with instructions to keep it intact for her daughter, Grace. And she can’t stop thinking about the handsome man who seems to come along with the territory.

Then things get complicated.

The winery might be beautiful on the surface, but just underneath that surface is a seething mass of betrayal, deception, and crime that goes much further than the Garcia family. As dreadful secrets come bubbling to the top, the Garcia girls — including Tessa — grow closer and Elaina sees possibilities in life that she thought were closed to her.

The question is — will she live to enjoy them?

This book is schedule to release in May, and is available for pre-order now at major booksellers. Read our star system review.