frront-page-fatalityNichelle Clark is a sassy, foul-mouthed, wisecracking girl reporter with heartbreak in her past and the finest designer shoes eBay has to offer on her feet. She’s a good reporter, too, but she has competition: the TV news station, for example, and Shelby, the ambitious girl from the copy desk.

Nichelle also has friends: cops, lawyers, a handsome sports writer, and a mysterious guy who turns up in her house unexpectedly. They’re all ready to help with her latest case, but it’s not as simple as it looks. What seems at first glance to be a routine accident gets tangled up with what seems to be a routine crime report, and every clue leads to one (or more) of these men. With the FBI moving in and  the bodies piling up, Nichelle needs to figure out which of these guys is really her friend and which one might be the culprit.

Too many sexy guys in her life is the least of her troubles as the case gets even more complicated. Problems at work are on the top of her mind, though — how can she expect to get that coveted Washington job if she can’t get her story filed? On the other hand, is any story worth dying for?

The story is action-filled and fast paced, and Nichelle is tough but likable. More hard-boiled than cozy, this debut novel introduces characters we’re sure to see more of in future. The book will be out on January 29th, and you can pre-order it now at Barnes & Noble.