NEWBERRY, Florida –Donna Sparks, author of Beauty from Ashes: My Story of Grace and No Limits: Embracing the Miraculous is set to release her third title with Bridge Logos, “Masquerade: Deception in the Last Days.” 

In her latest book, Donna takes up the important task of exposing deception and removing the masks from lies masquerading as truth. She shares how deception abounds in the world today as Satan continues his masquerade as an angel of light. But while he may be the king of deception, he is not alone in marketing falsehood and deceiving multitudes with lies and twisted beliefs. Deceptive teachings lead only to trouble and sorrow, but the Truth will reveal and deliver us from them.

Masquerade: Deception in the Last Days is available October 1, 2020 at all retailers and online stores. To schedule an author interview or for other press inquiries, please contact Suzi Wooldridge at Learn more about Donna at or follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.