It’s still a month till Hallowe’en, but Texan-turned-New Yorker Katie Chandler keeps seeing people with wings, gargoyles that come and go, and elves on the subway.

She figures it’s just the kind of thing that makes New York special — until she gets a job offer from MSI, Inc. That’s Magic, Spells, and Illusions, Inc., the commercial spell production firm started by Merlin way back when.

Katie’s stuck in a dead-end job that barely lets her make ends meet, with a horrible boss and nothing much to look forward to, she she figures she has nothing to lose… and there’s a hunky wizard heading up R & D at MSI, so who knows what she might have to gain?

This is the first novel in the series. Katie and her friends are real and likable, her new coworkers are less real but just as fun to read about, and the battles between the forces of good and evil are exciting without being excessively violent. Throw in a little romance for good measure, and you have a fun series.

Shanna Swendson is a Texan herself, with a fun blog (click the link, especially if you have fiction writing ambitions of your own) and a few romance novels behind her.