Twelve Kisses Later by Sandra Sookoo

12 kissesCan you find true love in a kiss? How about a dozen?

Lucy Duckworth is comfortable with her life and in her own skin, and her habit of picking up orphaned cats is noble. Yet when her roommate asks her to fill in at a kissing booth during the Winter Carnival, Lucy’s even-keeled existence suddenly tilts.

Matthew Kincaide has one simple motto: live off the land, keep your head down, don’t talk a whole lot and never trust a woman. Divorced and not about to give a female control over him again, all he wants is to deliver his animals for the petting zoo and go home. Too bad his annoying brother coaxes him into buying tickets for the kissing booth.

Lucy’s and Matthew’s first kiss ends with a violent sneeze, but she can’t forget that first lip-tingling, take-me-away moment. Though Matthew’s shocked by his first reaction, he lines up for a second chance. Surely lightning can’t strike twice. Will winter fun and a random accident derail their quest to find out how many kisses it takes to fall in love?


My Thoughts:

Twelve Kisses Later is a sweet contemporary romance novella with a small town setting. Lucy is quilted into working the kissing booth for her friend, Pam who is sick. Matthew is bullied by his brother into attending the carnival and buying a dozen tickets. Although sparks fly at their first kiss it ends with a big sneeze. Matthew goes back for seconds to see if the sizzle was a fluke. The author was able to create sizzling romantic tension and still keep the book in the clean category. The characters are charming and genuine. The story is fun and sprinkled with witty one liners to make you chuckle.  The descriptions of the men coming through the kissing booth were hilarious and creepy.

Published by Astraea Press – Pure Fiction